"The Earth is of God and the Fullness Thereof"
A guided retreat for personal reflection designed to explore the many facets of nature as a medium for spiritual understanding both from a Christian and world religion perspective. Participants will experience the rhythm of group sessions, times for solitude and walks in nature to sharpen their perceptions of the natural world. Opportunities for small group sharing, a campfire, star watch, gardening and a session in the giant redwoods will be woven into our experience of becoming present to nature’s wonder and bounty.
Leader: Dr. Sam Hamilton-Poore. Sam is the director of the Program in Christian Spirituality and assistant professor at the San Francisco Theological Seminary, a Presbyterian minister, spiritual director, father, grandfather, tide-pool enthusiast, and fumbling amateur musician. He is also author of Earth Gospel: A Guide to Prayer for God’s Creation (Upper Room Books, 2009).
Cost: Includes 9 meals, three night double occupancy and program. Lodge or Vintage Cabin $340. Rustic cabin $290. Tent Cabin $230, Camping, $210, Private room, add $60. Commuter rate, $160.
Wednesday dinner through Saturday lunch. 10% discount by June 15. $100 discount for students.
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REGISTRATION (click here for Page with PDF to Download)
NAME(S) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
LODGING CHOICE Lodge/Vintage Cabin _____Rustic____Tent Cabin____Camping_____
Register early for best choice of lodging and discount. Mail your registration and fee of $100 to River’s Bend, P.O. Box 332, Philo, CA 95466 or call (707) 895-3990 to use a charge card. More detailed information on programs is available on the website: www.riversbendretreat.org
Leader: Dr. Sam Hamilton-Poore. Sam is the director of the Program in Christian Spirituality and assistant professor at the San Francisco Theological Seminary, a Presbyterian minister, spiritual director, father, grandfather, tide-pool enthusiast, and fumbling amateur musician. He is also author of Earth Gospel: A Guide to Prayer for God’s Creation (Upper Room Books, 2009).
Cost: Includes 9 meals, three night double occupancy and program. Lodge or Vintage Cabin $340. Rustic cabin $290. Tent Cabin $230, Camping, $210, Private room, add $60. Commuter rate, $160.
Wednesday dinner through Saturday lunch. 10% discount by June 15. $100 discount for students.
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REGISTRATION (click here for Page with PDF to Download)
NAME(S) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
LODGING CHOICE Lodge/Vintage Cabin _____Rustic____Tent Cabin____Camping_____
Register early for best choice of lodging and discount. Mail your registration and fee of $100 to River’s Bend, P.O. Box 332, Philo, CA 95466 or call (707) 895-3990 to use a charge card. More detailed information on programs is available on the website: www.riversbendretreat.org