Click here for 2013 Dates available for Large Groups (20 + participants) or Weddings:
Reservations for Small Groups (20 or fewer participants):
Individuals/Families' Reservations:
We are delighted to have individuals and families visit us. We are able to confirm reservations once we know the size of the group that will be here during the time you have requested (we have lots of space to spread out,so most retreat groups are quite compatible with individual/family guest stays).
Reservations for Small Groups (20 or fewer participants):
- We still have many spaces on weekends and weekdays for small groups, but please see dates for which we can no longer accept any reservations.
- Dates listed above available for Large Groups/Weddings will become available for small groups in the next month as the season nears and we have not booked them. Please inquire if you are interested in booking a small retreat group during any of these dates.
- All other dates may be available depending on the size of your group (we may have already booked a small retreat, but small retreats are often quite compatible)
Individuals/Families' Reservations:
We are delighted to have individuals and families visit us. We are able to confirm reservations once we know the size of the group that will be here during the time you have requested (we have lots of space to spread out,so most retreat groups are quite compatible with individual/family guest stays).
- Please see dates for which we can no longer accept any reservations.
- Dates other than the dates listed above (dates for large groups or those no longer available) are likely candidates because there may be room for additional individuals and families.